"Wading neck deep in a swamp, your revolver is neither use nor ornament until you have had time to clean it" Mary H. Kingsley (1897)

The Palace By Night


We returned to Mysore Palace at dusk.

Simon, our guide and driver, had scheduled the route with care.
It was a Sunday evening, which in Mysore is a magical time.

On our arrival the flood lights were already on.
But as twilight gave way to the darkness of night, the illuminations were suddenly dimmed.


When light returned it was as a myriad pinpoints enmeshing the palace, highlighting its intricate design, its domes, columns and arches.

From within the courtyard, a military band gave a concert to the enchanted audience,
While children played with their light-emitting toys.


Mysore’s ethereal son et lumière.


5 responses

  1. Toffeeapple

    Goodness me, that is a stunning sight!

    May 9, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    • You’re right! And I’ve a sneaking suspicion that it was the inspiration for Harrods’ lighting scheme!

      May 9, 2011 at 8:15 pm

  2. You got there before me. It was my first thought. Then it was, ‘Mercy! Think of their electricity bill.’

    May 9, 2011 at 9:26 pm

    • The palace is now owned by the state of Karnataka, so no one, as such, has to pay the bill!
      What I couldn’t successfully photograph were a couple of workers with a ladder, changing light-bulbs on one of the towers. I suppose it can only be done during that one hour, on Sunday nights when the lamps are alight.

      May 10, 2011 at 6:42 am

  3. Pingback: Twilight Traders « Neither Use Nor Ornament

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